Ya'll might hate me for this but I wanna rewrite some of my stories. So, here's what I have planned:
First of all, no more schedules, since I clearly can't follow those, I'll update things when I'm inspired to write.
Valentine's first story is going to be updated, because although I think it started out pretty strong, the ending was definitely rushed and my chapters were always super short. Because of this, I won't be updating his second story until I'm done.
Daring's story will also be somewhat rewritten, because I had originally planned for most of my stories to be only 10 chapters. As a result, his ending would be rushed too. So, I'm gonna pace it out a pit better.
Alistair's story will mostly remain the same, however I might make some tweaks here and there, and his story will also be longer than first intended.
Lizzie's will stay the same, because I actually really like my writing in that one, however, I might go back and make some chapters longer.
For my Sophie and Agatha stories, I'll be deleting those for now, or just putting them on hold, sorry to those who wanted them, but I don't have inspiration for those at the moment, and this will lighten my load and allow me to update other stories.
I haven't finished the 6th book yet, but I plan on definitely updating my Aric and Japeth stories hopefully some time this month or next month.
I hope this doesn't upset anybody. But, I want to improve the stories I have already, I have ideas for new stories too, and I'll make an announcement for you guys to vote for which one you want when I've edited some of my others.
Thanks guys. I'm glad to be back