


Heyo! I been gone a while but I didn't leave completely! I have been on here a few times I just didn't have time to write anything. I see my stories got a few views thanks! I will try to write something and publish soon!
          Have a nice day wear your mask and wash your hands!!


Hello! I haven't been posting as much lately and something horrible happened the other day. So my computer broke yesterday and all the chapters I've written got deleted and now I only have my tablet. I'm going to try to post on here when I can maybe I can find a way to post. I hope you guys are not too disappointed but I will try. Stay safe and make sure to wear your mask and keep a six foot distance.❤️❤️ 


Hello! I'm terribly sorry for not updating my catradora fic in a long time I have been wrapped up in some other anime stuff like danganronpa and MHA. Also I might make a saiouma fanfic soon too it depends on how I feel. Online school is depressing as always but I only have a few months left soooo I hope you all are doing well and stay safe. GOODBYE!!!!