
@ImHarrysOneAndOnly @ImHarrysOneAndOnly I don't know... Itd seem a little weird


I felt the need to b i t c h out this guy on My Abusive Brother for calling your book 'sucky' and calling you 'stupid'. I would like to apologize for him if that okay because it's people like that who hurt people. I'd also like to tell you that you're an amazing writer and you're also really pretty. Keep it up honey bun! ILY.


I also realize now that they said this a year ago but it still bothered me so i wanted to yell at them


Just finished readying my abusive  brother now for fighter!!!! 


Just started fighter! Its up!


My remake of fighters up


Hey I haven't talked to you in a while. I don't care if your not Catholic but you need to hear me out and believe me right now ok. God created you because he loves you
          We all have to carry baggage I don't know what yours is. God is calling you he is teaching out to you. Right now your in a hole and I know it feels like you'll never get out but I'm reaching out to help you God is reaching out to pull you out. I'm here for you. You know that I actually care about you. There is so much to live for and I know it feels like your alone like the world is crashing around you. But everything will be fine Believe in God he hears our prayers and gives us way more than we ask for in return. Trust in him. I'm always going to be here for you but if one day I'm not just remember God is always with you and he will never leave you


A friend or someone to talk with im here for you. Trust me I know how it is to loose your friends because I've survived from being bullied for 7 years I was physically, Emotionally and mentally scarred. But time heals those open wounds because life moves on and so will this tragedy that your going through never see death as a way of escape since its not please don't cut whenever your tempted please contact memessage me or call me it won't matter since im here for you


Girl you gotta keep your head up I know your in your darkest moments but life isn't bad maybe because all the negativity doesn't allow you to see the beauty in life but killing yourself won't make things go away. Don't cut either sure the pain makes things go away but lets be honest here do your problems really just disappear with you cutting? No there still there. PLEASE don't harm yourself or your body you can get through this. Your a strong girl and you need to know your valuable. Friends come and go also but true friends stick around. Its best to know who's fake and who's not because true friends will always look out for yoy and pick you up when your at your lowest. If you wver need