
Assalam lovely readers it’s being a while since i updated and seriously i miss updating, I miss writing, I miss imagining my characters and much more...So I will be updating OBLIVIOUS ENTANGLEMENT with double bill chapters and probably complete it before august cause i can’t wait to start working on my next three books☺️☺️☺️ yeappp. MY AUTISTIC LOVER, THE PIZZA DELIVERY and THE UNKNOWN KILLER. Get prepared cause you’re about to be blown off your minds. You know the, vote and comment...


Assalamu alaikum sister.
          Have you read this book?
           I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you haven't then you are missing out. Do give my book a chance and i hope you fall in love with my writing. Do give me a follow of possible.


Assalamualaikum Sis.
          How have you been??
          Please I want to use this medium to  please tell u to update,we want more of  AFREEN


Wasalam Ramadan Kareem. I’m fine alhamdulilah , actually I have been thinking of that too but i want to edit it before posting the rest of the story❤️. I hope you understand…happy iftar in advance 