
New chapter of Lilliana sorry there’s not been an update in a while and for the short update, please give me some scene recs for anything you want to see so I can post more please 


@hutchersonslutmeout maybe a scene where lily genuinely just breaks down and feels like she can't handle everything going on, she starts being a lot less talkative and almost always tense, kind of like back when she first was 'owned' but not feisty anymore, like she's given up


@hutchersonslutmeout i think a scene where lily is like actually sick like fever sick would be cool


New chapter of Lilliana sorry there’s not been an update in a while and for the short update, please give me some scene recs for anything you want to see so I can post more please 


@hutchersonslutmeout maybe a scene where lily genuinely just breaks down and feels like she can't handle everything going on, she starts being a lot less talkative and almost always tense, kind of like back when she first was 'owned' but not feisty anymore, like she's given up


@hutchersonslutmeout i think a scene where lily is like actually sick like fever sick would be cool