I know some people on this app have sat the 2024 round of GCSEs, so if any of you guys see this and are getting your results today, I just want you all to know what a set of numbers on a piece of paper cannot quantify the effort and dedication and personal growth you have all gone through in the years working towards these results, and no matter what grades you receive, high or low, you will still get to where you want to be in life. The path to success is not linear, there are bumps in the road. For some people, those bumps will come early on, and for others, these results may be a bump, but it can be overcome. You are still capable of achieving everything that you want and so much more even if your results aren’t what you would have hoped them to be.
I wish you all a bright, happy and prosperous future, and hope you all have smiles on your faces when opening those results. For those that may cry, try not to cry over the number. Cry because you are proud that you have gotten to this point. Cry because you know the hard work you have put in to be worthy of your grades.
And then smile. Smile because you get to decide where you go next. And if you don’t know, how exciting.
Take care Class of 2024.
You’ve done us all proud.