Hi everybody! I haven't been writing this week because my bathroom is being renovated and I'm busy helping my nan around whilst it's done, sorry I will be back and will try to upload some eventually!
Hi everybody! I haven't been writing this week because my bathroom is being renovated and I'm busy helping my nan around whilst it's done, sorry I will be back and will try to upload some eventually!
Ima attempt a horror / romance, a werewolf shifter story. Yes I will using twilights wolves because personally I love them, they're so cute and fluffy and scary!
I'm sorry there's going to be another feline transforming story, I JUST AM OBSESSED WITH THAT KINDA FANTASY STUFF. I know I'm mixing it with k-pop and it's probably "unusual" but whatever dude I want to write it haihhishcshci
So, for a while I've been wanting to try and write an Avengers fanfiction, it's one of my favourite films. All Avenger movies. Although I don't own the smart words, I really do want to try it out. xD So I will be giving it a shot.
@SlushuBoi Thank you It’s so hard to think of new villains for it though i’ve been stuck with thinking whatta do oml i really do love giving myself a hard challenge eh?