Hello everyone!!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!1!
Today is my birthday!! I am officially 19! I can't believe how close I am to being 20(21 actually is the age I can't wait to be if ya know what I mean ;D LOL.) But anyways, I know a lot of you guys don't really bother reading these but I appreciate and love each and every one of you guys for always reading, commenting, sharing, saving into your libraries, voting on chapters, etc. for my Jackson Wang X Reader story. I wrote that story when I was just 17 years old and was going through a really sad and rough time(you guys would not believe the story if I told you what went down.) when I first started writing the story. I had my phone taken away from me but my dad gave it back to me because he believed that I could do great things and that I just need to be a better person and be more careful of my actions because I could have done so much damage to my family and I. So when I got my phone back, I figured that I needed a new hobby. I decided that I would get back into writing. But write what?? I then decided to listen to Kpop. I came across Got7. I didn't think much of them when I first listened to them which was back in my freshman/sophomore year of HS(BTW, this was summer 2017. Specifically July going into August. Crazy how I have terrible memory but I remember when everything went down.) I then came across Jaebum and Jinyoung's duo group, J&J Project's, new song, "Tomorrow, Today". I had looked at the English translated lyrics and read them as I listened to the song...
The lyrics, they spoke to me and made me realize that I have all the time in the world to fix myself and to become a better person than I was then.