
Chapter 21 of Beyond Control has been released. Expect more chapters in the near future. Thank you for your patience.


The prologue for Beyond Control is out! 
          I think this is going to be a great story. Feel free to read and let me know what you think! I'm going to try to update a chapter once a week, probably every Friday. I'm excited!


Hello, friends. 
          This past year, two years really, have been some of the hardest and most stressful years of my life to this point. After starting college along with work becoming busier, it's obvious that I don't have too much time for myself anymore. Despite this, I want nothing more than to continue doing what I love, which is writing. 
          My long-term goal is to eventually get my books published, and it's obvious that these books simply aren't good enough to do so. That's fine, considering my peak was when I was a young teenager in high school and wasn't mature enough yet. 
          I want to become a writer. Not just here, but a full-fledged WRITER. This has been something I've always loved doing, and I've already began studying English and Literature at the college level. Hopefully, after I've completed my studies, I can create something magical. 
          I love each and every one of you who has stuck with me throughout this insane journey, and I can't wait to take things to the next level. 
          I'm also ready to begin a new book/series. I've already begun brainstorming a few ideas, but let me know if you have any ideas. 
          Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 


Support will be given to those who write from the heart, remember that and continue writing these great stories 