
scrambling to publish all of the fics I talked about on TikTok so my followers can see them and have my profile before TikTok gets banned 


Content Creator PSA!!
          PSA to my content creators!! that means you cosplayers, tiktokers, artists, writers, and the lot of you!!
          we are officially pushing into what the marketing world call the fourth quarter of the year. This means as we approach arguably the largest corporate holiday season companies will be paying millions to billions to have their ads, sponsored content, and original content pushed to the front lines!! 
          "Well, Sky, how am I supposed to compete if I want my content to have good/consistent views and interaction?" you ask.
          Like this! Algorithms across social media platforms are pretty simple once broken down and work almost completely the same.
          1) Try to post at least two times a week, or more if you want! posting two or more times a week helps the algorithm understand that your are infact not dormant and hybernating.
          2) Try to keep a consoten schedule! keeping a schedule not only helps people who are interested in your content but it also helps you! as a schedule girlie myself it's often easier to keep up with trends, plots, and creativity with a schedule!
          3) Try to carry your schedule out of the fourth quarter and into the beginning of the year! sometimes, if it isn't broke, don't fix it! the first quarter is when companies are feeling secure after gaining more money than my poor college student brain could comprehend which makes the algorithm more susceptible to housing content like yours and mine!
          4) Do not get discouraged!! companies and the corporate world in general are considered the most important during the fourth quarter because they *pay* to be important! you and your content are important without the money aspect, I promise!! 


The way On The Basis Of Sex is one of the best movies with a female lead based on a true story. I am obsessed. 
          Obviously, one of the other best movies is Hidden Figures. To which I am also obsessed.


ABSOLUTELY it was way too good to not be talked about


@head-over-heart yess they should i actually love it


@a-wholelotof-fandoms no right?! honestly so many more people should be talking about it