
Hey everyone, I hope you're doing super amazing! Sorry for being mia for the longest time. I have some news for my fellow readers that are still reading my story CURSED. 
          	Apart from Wattpad, CURSED is now published on an app called weink. Readers are able to read the books for free and in return authors get paid. It would mean the world to me if you all download the app, and check out my book over there to help me grow.❤️


Hi! Just finished reading Cursed on Weink (loved it ☺️, wish I could leave a review). Wanted to mention that chaper 33 and 34 are duplicates of earlier chapters. Since there's no way to message or comment on the app yet, this seemed easiest. You may already be aware. Have a great day x Leah 


@leahsin13 Hey, thank you so so much for supporting me! Really means a lot. I will definitely check it out and rectify the mistake. Have an amazing day! ❤️❤️


Hey everyone, I hope you're doing super amazing! Sorry for being mia for the longest time. I have some news for my fellow readers that are still reading my story CURSED. 
          Apart from Wattpad, CURSED is now published on an app called weink. Readers are able to read the books for free and in return authors get paid. It would mean the world to me if you all download the app, and check out my book over there to help me grow.❤️


Hey lovers! 
          A teeny-tiny announcement before you guys forget about me. I changed my username today, sad ik but I felt like changing it. I used to be BLACKBURNFIRE for more than 3 years, my first ever book was published and now near to 800k was written under that name. Now that I feel more connected to my writing, I decided to change my username simply bec the last one didn't make sense. *Laughing emoji* but yesz, hi to my new username, old me ❤️


I'm writing a dark romance story any advice for a first rime dark romance beginner writer.


@blackburnfire Thank you for the advice! I'm writing a fairytale dark romance and I hope I do beauty and the beast story good but I want to have a tiny sense of romance but make it dark and twisted 


            I'll tell you what worked the best for me. I first read tons of dark romance/ mafia stories. LIKE ALOT to get myself exposed to the dark setting and scenes of a story. Then I picked a trope that I felt like I could write (I feel like this is important bec your whole story revolves around the particular trope.) In my case, I chose the arrange marriage trope for my MC's. Plus, write something that you would want to read as a reader. Don't go for the usual plot, or if you're going for the usual plot, make sure your writing is so strong that it compels readers to it, and for that you need to have a strong grasp on your words, you need to play around with the dark elements of the story. 
            I hope this helps, and if you'd like to know more, feel free to reach out to me. I'll be happy to help and thank you for reaching out ❤️