
the magpie fell once
          	yet his wings caught him
          	flying him to a place he did not want
          	the magpie falls once more
          	without his wings
          	for a better world
          	without the magpie
          	the therapist told me to write a poem of my feelings. i knew i said i was going to die a long time ago...
          	but im scared.
          	but ill do it.
          	i want to prove that im not scared of anything.
          	i tried it once. i’ll try it again. goodbye. nobody cares about me anymore. at this point, im just a waste of space.


the magpie fell once
          yet his wings caught him
          flying him to a place he did not want
          the magpie falls once more
          without his wings
          for a better world
          without the magpie
          the therapist told me to write a poem of my feelings. i knew i said i was going to die a long time ago...
          but im scared.
          but ill do it.
          i want to prove that im not scared of anything.
          i tried it once. i’ll try it again. goodbye. nobody cares about me anymore. at this point, im just a waste of space.


          im sorry i failed everyone in this group. i promised to be online as much as possible but i haven’t had energy to do it, or do anything at all. it’s nobodies fault but mine. i’m sorry.
          i trust someone to take over, or you can all leave. i wont mind. im sorry. i’ve been feeling really useless lately. so i think i’ll just go. 
          for good.
          thank you all for the memories. not just on this account, but on my other accounts as well. i dont think i can handle the stress and life drama and everything. 
           maybe this could be my note.
          i have nothing to say to anyone. ill just link this? 
           sorry. i just have to go. i dont deserve anything that this world has to offer. im tired of living and breathing and crying and wasting resources on a dying earth. 


i won’t be able to log on for a couple days, some family stuff just happened so i’m gonna go to a place where’s there’s most likely no internet for a couple days to see some of my other family members.
          i won’t be able to reply to roleplays or any of that jazz, but it’ll only be temporarily.
          thank you for understanding ^^