
Does anyone know of any book contests currently open for applications? Thx in advance <3


I’ve been inactive for so long oh my word
          My career took of when I least expected it, but I’m happily following the plan God has written for me, during the time He wanted me to follow it. I probably won’t be very active anymore, I’ll write here and there, but I’m strictly focused on current opportunity & blessings. I will continue to support you all— feel free to stay connected! I do love talking ♥️


Hii :)


@ItsTaran yeah I switched my user,, sorry I didn’t tell you ): 
            I’m glad! And I’m good, super duper busy and hardly active on wattpad anymore (unfortunately). My career path took off when I least expected it, so I’m entirely focused on that. How is writing going for you? <3


@hxileymwrites i knowww i was like where is hailey lol so I went on a search and found that u changed ur user haha I’ve been alright! Getting there day by day! I missed you :) how are youuuu 


@ItsTaran | oh my gosh, hi Taran!! It’s been too long since we talked smh )’: 
            How are you?? 


I don’t have words for what’s currently going on in Afghanistan, and how our technical US “leaders” are handling it. I’m sick to my stomach thinking about the troops who lost their lives and those who are scared to. This is no longer about sides, just the simple facts. President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris need to resign, and leave office. The leadership the United States needs is lacking— and it can’t come at the sacrifice of our troops. Our “leaders” disappeared, and ignored their acts that lead to the deaths of Americans. #prayforourtroops


@hxileymwrites yesterday I saw a stock image of a baby born in Afghanistan. He was so skinny and sick-looking I almost cried.


@SilverQuillsandRoses | I took no offense at all! The message and reminders are SUPER important. ❤️ 


HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Americans: what a privilege it is to live here. Be THANKFUL for the freedom you have here. Feel BLESSED for your liberties. Basic rights like the first amendment were fought for— and the wars leading up to July of 1776 granted us most of what you can do today. You can Worship whoever you please, speak freely, and pursue whatever lies in your heart. 
          It’s an honor to live here in the United States. People fought to build a country without controlling government— a place where the power goes to the people. Let’s look beyond our federal and local flaws, and celebrate what a beautiful country we live in. Pick your battles, but today is about AMERICA. 


@hxileymwrites YESS <33 Happy Independence Day!


The way I’m so excited for Independence Day— I love this country so.much. And I’m beyond blessed to live in America. 


@_Gods_Child_ | it’s here! Happy fourth <3 


Okay so surgery is a lot harder during recovery than I remember. And I’m borderline sad bc they literally had to make an incision through my belly button omg (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)


@_Gods_Child_ @Jhay_Neey01 @DefenderofHyrule | all is good and am healing nicely! Thank you for your kindness! <3 


@hxileymwrites Are you okay? I hope you feel better soon.


People are getting irritated with me, and you have a good reason to be. 
          I haven’t been active, & here’s why: 
          • I had finals
          •Family emergency came up
          •went to Texas for a sudden trip
          And after that, I was working my BUTT off. 9 to 5. 
          And I’m in the hospital now. 
          So please, be patient with me. I’m trying, but things keep getting in the way. If you’re waiting on the tulip awards, please help me spread the news— because I’m unable to right now. Thanks! I’ll get back on as soon as possible (:  


@hxileymwrites ig no.. I don't remember either XD as my exams are going on


@RitwikaSen thank you, lovely. <3 It’s just so hard because I’ve been putting people off for FOREVER on here, and I feel absolutely terrible but I can’t do anything abt it 


@Snowflakish_ thank you, I appreciate people like you. <3  Are you participating in the tulip awards? I can’t remember. 