
the original “between love and hate, there was us” has officially been unpublished!! chapter 1 will be dropping tomorrow so stay on the look out for it love you all. new tiktok: .starryfics


          as some of you might’ve noticed, i deleted my tiktok account. this is because i have been shadow banned for months and i had enough of it so i deleted the account. i will be making a new account soon and i will post the user on here so stay on the look out for that. ALSO!! i will be rewriting ‘Between Love and Hate, there was Us’. I’m a much better writer now and i want to rewrite it so it can be better for you all! love you guys and thanks for sticking around <3


@hxllemxy omg i cant wait to read it!!!!


hey everyone! i know i've been gone for quite awhile and I apologize for that, but i had a really crappy year and summer is my only escape right now. I am working on the next chapter and I am excited to get back into writing because it's something I enjoy so much. I love you all! Thank you for being so patient! 


@hxllemxy yayyyyyyyy im soo readyy for another chapter !!!!!!


alright guys we have a problem. i can’t think of anything else that would force emery to have to stay with zain except pregnancy. any ideas? or are you guys up to pregnancy? whatever will interest you guys more :)



added it to my list of books!