
head empty , just two teens who end up looking after a group of kindergarteners as the world falls apart



happy birthday! (probably?)


@sunflowerz- i've gotten the first dose too and school starts in a month for me so i already quit my job just to spend more time at home and with friends but hnnn - and thank you for your wishes , i'm actually visiting her now so it means a lot to me :")


@hxneybun- awe. i really wish the best for your grandmother, i know what it’s like losing grandparents, especially having to see them in a hospital. haha yeah im often bored over the summer as well. you could get a job if you don’t already have one, or maybe spend some time with your friends if you’ve got to covid vaccine (ive only got the first dose, unfortunately) 


            oh nice ! it's a permanent summer here so the heat is all i have :") things have been a bit less hectic since my grandmother got put into a hospice and she's just living her last few days there but we've all accepted it's her time to go soon . i've been on a long school break now too so the boredom has been getting to me ugh


i'm so sorry to do this again so recently after my last hiatus but i'll be taking a mini hiatus. i'll still keep up with applyfics since those take minimal effort and some roleplays with people i consider my friends but for the most part i'm taking a break . i won't go into detail but my grandmother was hospitalised a few days ago and i'm just not in the right headspace . see you soon . 


hello i'm back !!
          to everyone who still has a rp with me and would like to continue please tag me uwu 
          i also have some ideas i want to try out for an rp and if anyone is down for that instead please hit me up :))


i’m glad ur back!!