Hey all! I have totally recreated this account (formerly camrenhugs) and I am on a journey to rekindle the love I have for writing and providing wholesome quality wlw content. I’m not 15 anymore writing fanfiction, and I am terribly sorry that unconscious beauty is going to remain unfinished forever because I know so many people loved it, but I’m almost 20 now and I’m ready to begin writing with characters that I have created myself and for people beyond fandoms to enjoy. I’m currently working on the first chapter of a story I’m attempting to write and HOPEFULLY complete (that’s the goal this time around) and I hope for those of you who have stuck around, that you’ll enjoy it. The bare bones synopsis is that two girls meet in an interesting way that you will have to read to find out and then a couple weeks later the fall semester of college starts and one happens to be the RA (room advisor) of the other. AND I JUST WANT TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE LGBTQIA+ CONTENT IN THE WORLD! I want little 15 year olds to read stories that make them giddy and excited like I used to do. So, here’s to a new beginning.