
⏖﹒ feel free to drop or cb , im gonna rework the theme n write down some stuff for them soon !! 


⠀‬‬ ⠀⠀‬‬⠀ you  look  quite  ti͟r͟ed   ⸻   please,  let  me  fetch  you  a  snack  or  something  to  drink.  i  pr͟o͟mise,  it’s  no  trouble  at  all  .ᐟ


╰— * message for !! . @hanatabas 
                     oh —that's  okay  you  really don't  need  t — !   [  the  black  haired  person  was  interupted  by  the  growling  of  their  stomach  ,,  they  couldn't  help  but  let  out  a  slight  laugh  .  running  their  fingers through  their  hair  ,,  they  let  out  a  playful —  like  sigh  ,,  before  childishly  grinning  at  the  other  before  them  .  ]  okayyy  ,,  maybe i'm  a  / bit  /  hungry  . 


saw    my    face    on    a    wanted    poster,    you    say?    (   …   )    dahaha,    and    what    about    it?    don’t    tell    me    you’re    looking    to    turn    me    in,    lad.


╰— * message for !! . @haoshokus 
                      if    anything    ,,     i     just   wanna    know   your   name   .. !   those     posters     really     don't    give     anyone     much     to     go   off     of     ,,      couldn't      even   spare      anything      as       simple     as     a     first     or     last      name .    though      its     a     / very /    good likeness      ,,       see      look.  !  (   pulling   out   an   item    from   their    coats   pocket   ,,   akio  smiled   widely   towards    the   other    ,,    showing    off    the deliberately   made   art   work  . quite   the   likeness   in   their   eyes  .   though   they   couldn't   help  but   be   confused   at   the   inquiry   directed   towards   them   ,,    they weren't   a   bounty   hunter   &&   never   would   be   one   .   if   this   guy   had   a   story   to   tell   they'd   listen   .   besides   ,,   for   now   they could   play   it   off   as   being   a curious   civillian    ,,   they    hadn't shown   their    hand    yet    ..  planned    to keep   it   that   way  .    )
              ‧₊˚- / no ,,  no this is amazing  ! already loving your character .


/    hope    this    is    okay!    :’]]    he’s    quite    rusty    </33


[ @hxroisms ]
                    korra was panicking ,   leaping from one building to the next as she used her airbending to push her further along .   where the hell was she ?   last she remembered ,   she had entered the spirit world from the portal in the north pole .   but when she left ,   she was in a new world altogether .   this place was very ,   very different to her home world .   it seemed more  .. advanced ,   in some ways ,   yet more primitive in others .   the technology seemed centuries above republic city's ,   but there was little to no spiritual activity .   at least she could still use her bending .
                    she came to a stop in an empty road ,   only when nightfall had descended upon the earth .   she was tired ,   lost ,   and confused ,   and needed a second to clear her head and calm down .   hunched over ,   and with her hands on her knees ,   the brunette slowly regained control of her breathing and heartbeat .   but it seemed as though she didn't have time to relax .   now that she was calm ,   she could feel it .   the little vibrations of the earth that she knew were footsteps .   someone was following her .
                    she quickly stood straight up ,   before spinning around and taking a defensive stance .     "   come out slowly !   i know you're there !   "     her voice was firm ,   clearly showing she was in no mood for games .


╰— * message for !! . @avatarisms 
                   akio pulled their arms back to their sides ,, noting how that seemed to not aid them in showing they were friendly . bringing a hand up to their head ,, they scratched it ,, trying to think of what to say .  the female was certainly confused && afraid ,, akio quite frankly felt bad . if they were somewhere unfamiliar they'd feel somewhat lost too . 
                    ❝ okay well ,, im akio , akio katsuo . i was just enjoying the night sky && saw you running ? i'm not exactly sure what it was you were doing . it looked really cool though . ❞ 
                as usual ,, akio did their best to keep the mood light ,, maybe it would make her feel a bit less stressed . they weren't sure but kindness went a long way && they needed to show they meant no harm . bringing their arm down from their head ,, they finally took note of the strange garb she wore . it was a bit more warm looking ,, very old ages as well . definetly foreign from here ,, good thing it was night time && the air was much cooler so her outfit shouldn't be too bad for the weather at this moment . 
                  ❝ i'm guessing you're not from here from how you reacted && from your clothes . whats your name ? maybe i can help you get back home ! ❞
                katsuo always did their best to help people when their mind && schedule allowed them too ,, even strangers .  also that was part of their whole other task of protecting the people of this city ,, but no one's suppose to know about that . although it seemed like with where this was going their power might need to be involved ,, they'd keep it to themselves for now . she was the stranger here after all . 


[ @hxroisms ]
                      korra kept her sapphire - teal hues locked onto them as they approached ,   her eyes narrowing as she raised her fists a bit higher ,   ready to strike if needed .   clearly she didn't trust him .   she'd seen enough pretty smiles to know not all of them could be trusted .     "    calm down ?   i have no idea where i am ,   of course i'm a little freaked out .   now who are you ,   and why are you following me ?   "     she narrowed her eyes ,   and pursed her lips while taking a single cautious step forward .   she wasn't going to be taking any risks right now .   she didn't know anything about this person .   did they have any abilities ?   what are their intentions ?   there were too many unknown factors for korra to be diving into a fight ,   or acting rash .     "   don't make me ask again .   "


╰— * message for !! . @avatarisms 
                  having heard a strange difference in the sound of the wind ,, this had gotten their attention . originally they had been sitting on top of a building ,, admiring the city lights && also doing some reconnaissance a usual . their strong hearing picked up the hurried pace of steps && sounds of movement from atop other buildings  . akio placed their goggles on their face momentarily ,, a gadget to enhance night vision ,, though they already had more than 20/20 vision ,, this proved useful .
               they could clearly make out a figure running but for what reason && where were they heading ? deciding to feed their curiosity ,, akio quiet as they could manage ,, followed quickly behind . keeping to the shadows && away from street light view . the power they felt from the other was different than anything they'd felt before . it was nothing like they had themselves ,, it was like this being was moving the element with their own will . interesting . 
                 && it seemed akio katsuo hadn't been as careful with sneaking as they hoped ,, that or this person was just so on edge that their senses were a lot more in tune . stepping into view akio tilted their head to the side ,, gazing over the person in front of them ,, who they now saw as a female . akio wasn't exactly how to approach her as they've never seen her around before && she also seemed too freaked out already . holding their arms out in front of them ,, katsuo tried to show they meant know harm to the female ,, a charming && kind like grin appearing on their features . 
               ❝ lets calm down for a sec , alright ? im not hear to hurt ya' you look freaked out , whats goin' on ? ❞




i  was  like  this  uncanny  valley  luffy


i  think  it's  the  filter  LMFOAO


i  thought  your  fc  was  luffy  from  one  piece  LMFAOO