hows my loml doing T.T
@harutoswifeyy A GIFT? GIRL WHAT IS YOU UP TO? and yea I have been avoiding her, she's so toxic literally she was gossiping about the new girl she's now best friends with, fat shaming her, saying that she shouldn't wear crop tops and now she acting like she's the angel. LMAO good luck to the new girl and girl congratulations on graduating!! I wish you the best of luck in the future!!
@harutoswifeyy finally graduating from hell :D and PLS ditch em disposable best friends you DESERVE WAY BETTER THAN SOMEONE WHO'D JUST REPLACE YOU LIKE THAT OKAY ??? and i have an upcoming gift for you XD hehe ilyy
@harutoswifeyy yoo I missed you. Idk I just got replaced from my best friend lmao. Other than that I have been doing great! Just unmotivated and lazy. How about you?