
Hello everyone!
          	After some thought and consideration, I’d like to start writing fics again! I recently got back into Ocarina of Time and am also nostalgic for the times I had fun writing on Wattpad. I’m looking forward to releasing some fics for everyone to read soon, alongside an original work if all goes well ❤️
          	- Cinta (Clazey)


this message may be offensive
@hyacintaOS Fuck yes!


@ilytoobabe125 awww, i’ll have to write one again! i miss writing about gan sm, it was fun!


@503WriterUnavailable ayooo! our fave west aussie gals are back


Hello everyone!
          After some thought and consideration, I’d like to start writing fics again! I recently got back into Ocarina of Time and am also nostalgic for the times I had fun writing on Wattpad. I’m looking forward to releasing some fics for everyone to read soon, alongside an original work if all goes well ❤️
          - Cinta (Clazey)


this message may be offensive
@hyacintaOS Fuck yes!


@ilytoobabe125 awww, i’ll have to write one again! i miss writing about gan sm, it was fun!


@503WriterUnavailable ayooo! our fave west aussie gals are back


Hey everyone,
          I thought I’d let you know that due to personal consideration, I’ve taken down the majority of my works. When I’ve got the time, I’d like to rewrite these works so they’re more well-written (atm I’m busy with study and work, so I’ve taken them down for now). That being said, I’d like to thank you all for reading across the past seven years with me! I’m truly fortunate to have had such an amazing readership on Wattpad ❤️


Thank you, you too Jay 


Take care of yourself Clazey <3


Hi everyone!
          Wow, it’s been ages since I last published fanfic here on Wattpad! Most of you will know me from my Zelda fanfiction The Master of Illusions, and a few may know me from other works over the years. I have to say, what a crazy time it’s been…
          During my hiatus from writing, I decided to focus on other areas of my life, those areas being work, study and relationships. While some of these areas are working out really well for me, I’ve experienced some issues in other aspects, which contributed towards my inactivity on most forms of social media (along with Wattpad). Recently, I’ve gone through my first breakup, and to be honest, it’s been a major eye-opener for me. It’s made me realise two things: the importance of self-love and care, and the importance of striving towards your passions.
          For me, my greatest passion has always been, and always will be, writing. When I wrote for the Zelda fandom back a few years ago, I really enjoyed getting my ideas out there and sharing my love of characters such as Ganondorf and Revali, both who I still hold a soft spot for :)
          I’m gonna try and be more active on here, as I found a lot of joy in writing fanfictions for Wattpad, and still hold writing close to my heart. I’d like to continue writing for the Zelda fandom, and maybe introduce a few new fanfictions here and there! I’m also working on an original story called The Immortal Humans, and would love to share that with the world too. I’m hoping that I can share this journey with you, and that you’ll enjoy my new works.
          Lots of love,
          Cinta ❤️❤️❤️


@_DJayllou_ good to see you too! I’m very excited to start publishing my works here again :)


@ClazeyJ Yooo good to see you here lol


@kittyketeers glad to be back ^^


Omg! I remember you!
          We have met and talked on here two years ago! I missed you! I hope it does not sound weird to you.


Yea! I’m looking forward to it :) hopefully a new Gan fic and some other Zelda ones I’ve had on the backburner


@ClazeyJ Hello! That is extremely amazing! :))))


Aww, hey there! That’s all goods, I’ve missed writing on here heaps ❤️ I’m thinking of giving it another go :)


which artists are you guys listening to while writing? atm, i'm listening to kanye west.


@ClazeyJ Ludovico Einaudi or other lyric-less artists lol.


Heyo Clazey! I'm very sorry I haven't updated you about the clubs thing in these days, I got caught up with stuff. Now, I've been sitting here losing my mind for like an hour because I've looked far and wide to find the clubs' section on the website and turns out, they are no longer a feature. It must have been a consequence of the acquisition by that south korean company we talked about, but that's just an hypothesis. Now my question is: do you still want to found the club? I've seen that many people have organized theirs as a book on their own page. I'd be down with that. If you agree with the idea, the following questions are: which profile do we choose? Do you want to help me organize the aesthetic, the rules, the objectives? Let me know, let it out lol. I'll wait for you.


@ClazeyJ Cool! My Twitter is @Jayllou, dm me there.


twitter sounds good @_DJayllou_


@_DJayllou_ You didn't tag me so sorry for being so late lmao, I'm happy to hear that! I don't but I have Twitter and Twitch, or we can pm here if that's okay.