
gomawo..kpd sesiapa yg follow sya..sorry kalau saya x.follow balik sbb sya bz siapkan ff mianhaeyo.
          	thanks for those who following me..sorry if i dont follow you back..its because im busy writing my ff..my pleasure.i will follow you guys back..thanks for who kept voting ,comment ...


Can u write in english thanks❤️


@Huhitscorn hi..this is me..im using another acc..sorry for you, if wanna read my story in my new acc hyodyoidol2..there's some my story i write in english.^^ owh i will follow u back..thanks..


@oh_se_han hi!oh sehan..im author for the story..im sorry don't reply your message but.im using my new acc..now.hyodyoidol2 my story will be continue there's thanks..i will follow u back


gomawo..kpd sesiapa yg follow sya..sorry kalau saya x.follow balik sbb sya bz siapkan ff mianhaeyo.
          thanks for those who following me..sorry if i dont follow you back..its because im busy writing my ff..my pleasure.i will follow you guys back..thanks for who kept voting ,comment ...