
Flying Away prologue out now! Who is the mysterious Night Walker..? Check it out!


Hi guys, I used to be BrainyBella *cringe* and I used to have a book called Flying Away. I got into a downward spiral recently about Flying Away and I just wanted to announced that it’s me! and that Flying Away is now COMPLETELY rewritten and please stay tuned for more updates. Xx Bella 


Hello I hope you are having a lovely day.
          I was wondering if I could ask you something as at school I’m kinda leading a campaign for a change of view about girls, basically sexism. 
          So in our school we have hymn books that we hand out in assembly and a group of children always have to hand out the hymn books as they are forced to. All these children are girls, and before you said that the boys didn’t want to, only the girls were chosen to. I refused to do to hand out the hymn books as I think it is extremely sexcist as it builds up the idea that women are always working in the house and not men. There are many girls that stand behind me and quite a few boys, but there are a few girls that enjoy doing it, but I am only suggesting a fair rota between genders.
          Am I right or am I just overreacting
          I mean it’s 2018, 100 years since the women got the vote!
          Please, please comment your opinion!


@Spedzer I don't know particularly but I  think it was because the girls wanted to do it but now some boys want to do it, but there is no opportunity for the boys to do it.


Have you asked the teachers why the girls have to do it? It could be somewhat a tradition, or something that no one has bothered to change because it doesn’t seem significant at the time. I don’t understand why boys can’t do, so I can get he frustration xx


You all better wish me some freaking luck for my first of many other set of exams! Its 06:40 and I'm literally trembling!


Thank you, thank you and thank you!


@TheoDora55555 I love you ! Right now I could hug you. Anyway my hardest set of exams is tomorrow and the day after that my exhausted self is going to my dream school’s exam. Then term starts and then I have my finally exam so...  


@TheoDora55555 Thank you I’m so tired that I couldn’t go to my revision session at school!