
So a new story is here called "Slime Adventure and Helping the True Dragon Problem." I know Wattpad notifications are not working right now, but see if this reaches people.


I have got a question.
          It's about Gobta, what do you think of him ?
          Do you think is he more or less pervert than Mineta ?


@hypertrixdark Thanks.
            If possible, could you please tell me what do you think of it ?
            PS, sorry for late reply.


@Rodikoda noted I try read it when I have the time...


@hypertrixdark i will send the two parts for you to read, i hope you like them.
            Just in case you really do it, this future they would react is the future who await Gobta.
            PART 1 : https://1drv.ms/w/c/4CD8A2E613E1E01D/ER3g4RPmotgggEzOEwAAAAABk6xpG9O09pyLMnk5KHnWxg?e=rIaB59
            PART 2 : https://1drv.ms/w/c/4CD8A2E613E1E01D/ER3g4RPmotgggEzOEwAAAAABk6xpG9O09pyLMnk5KHnWxg?e=ZxWbMD


I'm back with more ideas! Also I hope I'm not being a pest with this....
          Luminous visits Veldora to make sure he's okay but to basically take advantage of the fact he's sealed to tease the crap out of him using whatever clothing she could get her hands on. (Cause this is Luminous Valentine we're talking about and we all know she'd do this in the name of messing with her husband) In fact, one of the main reasons why he takes uses his dragon form more is because it doesn't (physically) have a reaction to her teasing. He tries to get her to be careful in case a random adventurer pops in or his sisters suddenly remembered they had a brother and decided to visit. Which they never do to his disappointment and Luminous's rising anger. It also solidifies Luminous's hostility towards the two, more to Velzard than Velgrynd.
          Also, is it okay if you make them a bit stronger than in cannon them since, let's face it, the partners of the True Dragons are absolute monsters out of all of their kind and there's no way Luminous would let herself lose to them when it comes to that. She also has Asmodeus for obvious reasons (Veldora dying to his Velzard who kills him despite him no longer rampaging much for stupid reasons. The pain of feeling him die via Soul Corridor. Waiting YEARS for him to regain his lost memories etc) even though it really doesn't work on him, to her despair but Veldora promised he wouldn't die much which he kept till his sealing.
          Veldora also is more of a dad to Rimuru than a brother in comparison to cannon since unlike his counterpart, he actually WANTED to have kids and TRIED with Luminous (even bought and made clothes and toys for the baby) but the constant failures hurt until Rimuru existed and he focused in being a dad to him.


You can do it man! I believe in you! (Also I'll draw any of the scenes that I find interesting and I'll tell you when I do cause I'm an artist)


I won't get to use these anyway, since I already have a fic I'm working on!


Like I said, I'm pretty patient, take your time playing around with the ideas, heck do what you want with these I don't mind. I practically MADE the ideas for the sake of you using them after you said you'll make it into a fic anyway so don't worry about anything and take your time!


I like the idea of the story so far. I mean the second one.


@vadimka215 I dunno. I'm not the author of the story. If you mean something else, then please make it clear.


@Legend07uju when will the next part be


@vadimka215 after Christmas and before new years eve or after new years haven't decided yet.