
@MeYouAtNandos Oh..  Snap. School.. Fun times. 


Hey, I love you. Yeah. You're amazing. My friend stabbed me with a pen today. Ow. And I laugh a lot and they tease me with certain things and I laugh more.. but I just really want to cry. I'm so sensitive, dammit. /: But I love you. I accidentally hit my crush in the eye today. Oops. -Kellykins 


Hellurrr beautiful (:
          So, I'm messaging you again, trying to keep my promise, because you're that amazing.
          We had a debate today in class on legalization of gay marriage and I almost threw a book at someone. I hate debates >.< Anyway, how was your day? I like this guy. I don't think I ever told you about him. u.u I love you!<3 but Jesus loves you most c: -Kellylins, your Peruvian owl.