hi i know we’re stranger but please know that i’m here if you ever need someone to simply listen to what you have to say and whatever your concerns are. my words may seem empty considering we just follow each other but please know that you’re important to me !!! you deserve to be here and to keep on living. eventually, i know you’ll find a reason to keep pushing forward and until then, i’ll be here to remind you how precious and important you are to this world, whether or not you believe so. you were brought here for a reason, and there ARE people who would be heart broken if you passed, ESPECIALLY your parents. there’s nobody else that can fill the gap that you would leave in them. things may be hard for you at the moment, but consider me just another person who’s willing to try to make you happy and give you more hope. it’s okay to feel sad. your feelings are valid, and it’s okay to feel the way you do. but remember, you’re worth more than you think. please continue fighting, i’ll be rooting for you. i’m sure you’ll find happiness at the end of all of this. suffering is all a part of your journey to happiness and success !!! <3