
Wow... Hitboy on AO3 has finally surpassed Black Orchid in hits. That's kinda crazy to me as Black Orchid is more what I'm known for on that site. Damn, readers. Pop off.


@FightingonMars oh thank you so much!! ^^ I appreciate your kind words <3 


@hyuka00 hitboy is amazing, makes sense. The first couple of lines and pages got me speechless, your writing is insane like I want to use a fancy word to describe it, like phenomenal or sum lol


Hii I was wondering if you're still active on here?


@written_for_her Thank you so much ^^ I really appreciate it <3


@hyuka00 ofc I love your writing a lot, I actually have another account that I'm not really using rn and this is my new one(just saying in case you notice my account was made yesterday,i have been here for awhile i swear lol) anyway you're one of the best writers on this platform and I'll support you whenever you post something new♡


@written_for_her Hi, yeah I am, just not writing anything right now. Thanks for adding my books to your reading lists ^^


its been a while since i got an update from u author T_T although i understand that you are busy, i hope i can still read more of your works, until now you are still my favorite and im even hoping you'd get way mooreee recognition!! i wish the best for you and your family, hopefully you'll publish another work once again that always brightened my day! :3 -ur loyal fan


@hyuka00 you should definitely publish them! i would really be supporting you, take ur time tho :3 i cant wait to see you get more bigger. your works are always so amazingg


@hyuka00 Omg yes!! Black Orchid is for sure amazing!! It still stays as my favourite Beomkai book!! You're so talented author<333
            Also hoping for the best to your baby and you! >_< 


@ningdunge Awww thank you for checking in on me ^^ Yeah, I'm still pretty busy being a mother to my baby boy- he started crawling a few weeks ago! I don't have any other fics planned but I want to focus more on turning my fics into books to publish to the public. Black Orchid and Hitboy probably have the most potential to do well, I think. I might write more fics in the future but I don't know right now. I'm sorry to tell you that :<


Wow... Hitboy on AO3 has finally surpassed Black Orchid in hits. That's kinda crazy to me as Black Orchid is more what I'm known for on that site. Damn, readers. Pop off.


@FightingonMars oh thank you so much!! ^^ I appreciate your kind words <3 


@hyuka00 hitboy is amazing, makes sense. The first couple of lines and pages got me speechless, your writing is insane like I want to use a fancy word to describe it, like phenomenal or sum lol


Due to being a relatively private person, I don't have an online presence, as such, with a lack of social media accounts. Trying to spread awareness and support for Gaza is difficult to achieve. However, my works being read is still me being 'seen'.
          As of today, all my of TXT fics on both Wattpad and AO3 have been updated with a link to MECA (Middle East Children's Alliance) to make donations that are put towards emergency aid for displaced families in Gaza, safe drinking water, electricity, trauma intervention and ongoing psychological support, new playgrounds in Palestinian villages and refugee camps, community arts, sports, tutoring and libraries. They also offer scholarships for Palestinian university students and support for refugees in Lebanon.
          My heart breaks for these people and I will use whatever platform I have available to help bring awareness and support.
          If you take the time to recommend my fics to anyone, please mention the MECA link at the start of each prologue so for those who are able to contribute, can do so.
          The donation link can also be found here:  https://www.mecaforpeace.org/donate/


this message may be offensive
I came on here to see if you were still active and to see how you were doing! I consistently read your stories on a loop because they're so fucking good. You deserve more views! Ik life gets a little crazy so I was jw if you had another story planned? I'd wait forever to read it!


@JKai0814 Thank you for reading my works so often ^^ I really appreciate it. Um... at the moment, I don't have any other fics planned. I had a baby in July and he's taking up a lot of my time ^-^; So I really don't know when or if I will write anymore txt fics in the near future. I want to become a published author one day and I think I want to put more of my time and effort into that. I'm sorry I couldn't give you a straight answer, but it is what it is right now lol


I was trying to decide whether to write this or not because English isn't my first language, but anyways...
          I just wanted to say that ever since I read Mad World and New World no other story in this app has done justice to the expectations you've set with your beautiful writing. You are truly talented and I wanted to thank you for sharing your stories with us. I've been going through a dark period of my life lately, so music and reading have been my comfort. There were times while reading this story that I could see myself in some of the characters and that made me feel like there's always someone who understands what you're feeling, even if they don't know you. It made me feel like I'm not alone. So yes, thank you for being a light in my world. I hope you are living a happy and peaceful life.
          P.S. Congratulations on the birth of your son!!! Although I'm a bit late haha. 


@DanyLuco Way to make me tear up ;_; Firstly, your English is wonderful, don't feel ashamed of your words. I understood you perfectly. Secondly, thank you so very much for sharing your feedback with me. I love writing fanfic for fun but I also want to be a published author one day, so having people like you tell me that my writing makes you feel like you're seen and not alone is all I could truly ask for and it's all I really want to achieve through my stories. Thank you again for telling me how much you appreciate my writing. I'll remember this comment, always ^-^ And thank you- my son is doing well! His name is Adrian and he's almost 4 months old <3 Feel free to read my other fics, but only if they appeal to you. I worked hard on them. Have a great day!


halu to my fav author!! im kinda inactive right now but i just came back to congratulate you and your son hehe, i hope youre doing well!! ^__^ my jaw fell to the ground looking at all the updates i missed.. but anyway, im really happy for youu!


@ningdunge awww thank you so much for thinking of me ^^ My son and I are doing well! He's 2 and a half months old now and growing so fast omg. Look after yourself and thank you again <3


My son smiled for the first time today. Not saying it was because we watched TXT at Lollapalooza together but that's kinda exactly what I'm saying.


@angelicneos hehe thank you ^^




@saltedbutt_er It was pretty damn cute. And thank you ^-^