@bokutos_thick_ass Hey wanna talk about it. If you don't thats fine to. Here are some suggestions you could do.
Journaling you don't have to write full sentences or tell about your life. You can just write random words about how you feel. Do all negative first it will get you crying but it helps think off positive stuff. Like when your parents say do your homework you may not want to do it, its kinda like that.
Just take a piece of paper an rip it in half and cut holes maybe even crumble it up.
Tell your therapist that I don't wanna talk today. I wanna draw to show how I feel. If they say no say okay I wont do it your way since your not going to do it my way. Thats your session you should be in charge with what you do. Write a poem and give it to your therapy person. Make them try and figure out what you mean.
If you give them something to work on and figure out there going to most likely do that. Instead of talking about trauma go off about anything you want. If she tries to interfere and change the subject keep talking in the same voice about the same thing.
There are so many ways to show how you feel. Writing, drawing, saying negative words, painting.
And if you don't feel safe tell a teacher or an adult. Go for the teacher they will probably do more about that and try and get you in a different home. If your guardian ask why you say, because I'm not safe here and I think about very bad things when I enter the house.
If you don't feel safe tell someone and keep telling them when they don't listen. If you feel safe in the forest. Go there its a safe spot nothing wrong about it just tell someone. And if you feel watched tell someone to we are made to know when someone is watching us. Change up your routine do different things than you normally would do. It throws them off track if someone is actually watching you. Do crazy random stuff (no one wants to take the crazy)
I hope you have a safe and wonderful day. I will always be open to talk.