
Hi everyone,
          	I would just like everyone to know. If you have or are going to read Forced to marry a millionaire or Love's not forced they are going to under go some massive edits. I will be taking them off public read as I do this and at the present time I'm not sure when they will be back up on public view. I hope you understand and will come back to read the edited versions. 
          	Thank you for your kind and welcoming comments. They mean a lot to me. 


Hi everyone,
          I would just like everyone to know. If you have or are going to read Forced to marry a millionaire or Love's not forced they are going to under go some massive edits. I will be taking them off public read as I do this and at the present time I'm not sure when they will be back up on public view. I hope you understand and will come back to read the edited versions. 
          Thank you for your kind and welcoming comments. They mean a lot to me. 


I'm sorry for posting this on your profile and all but, this is sad you people are soo sad. I still can come to imagine that this girl has so many wonderful books and she only has, what 8 followers.... 8 Freaking followers. To know that you guys has even read her books what is like 6.2k reads, correct me if I'm wrong please. She should have a lot more followers than this and to think she put so much effort into these books, into updating them, even typing it is freaking painful but she took a time of and wrote it. I just wanted to say I wish you luck you luck on your current and upcoming books honey and for the rest of you guys don't be so mean, she has a life too.


Thank you so much. Honestly this means so much too me. I'm actually crying, this was so kind of you. Thank you. 