@ZachGant God isn't imaginary, he has done a lot for me he has saved me from a lot of evil, I have testimonies of the things God has done for me, don't you ever say he's imaginary because of he is then can you explain how you were made or who made you?
God made us, if you read Genesis in the Bible chapter 1 verse 26 God made Adam out of dust in his own image and likeness, and made Eve out of the rub of Adam also in his own image and likeness. Every living humans is made by God and the fact that you're still alive today shows that God has protected you.
Those who die, die because they disobeyed God when he instructed them not to do something, or because God think it's time for them to return home.
The end times are near and you have to give your life to Christ unless you want to burn in never ending inferno. If you repent you'll enjoy never ending love, devil is only looking for people to drag with him to hell, because that's his final destination after rapture.
Do you want to burn in never ending inferno (hell) or enjoy never ending love and joy (Heaven)?