
HEY GUYS! UPDATE IS ALMOST READY! I am perfecting it, but um I was gonna do something super mean in this chapter but I decided not to make it too dramatic but since you've waited super long I will just let you know two things. sophianna's past is revealed and the chapter isn't all drama... just most of it. lOve YoU (I decided to type like i'm of zayn's mind of mind album)


HEY GUYS! UPDATE IS ALMOST READY! I am perfecting it, but um I was gonna do something super mean in this chapter but I decided not to make it too dramatic but since you've waited super long I will just let you know two things. sophianna's past is revealed and the chapter isn't all drama... just most of it. lOve YoU (I decided to type like i'm of zayn's mind of mind album)


Hey Destiny it's Kassy can you make me a cover?


@_IHEART1DForeva_ Powerless. It's about a girl. Your in it. Naeem is in it. Abby and Bryan and Amber and Hailegh are in it.


@_DJ_Wolf_ yeah is it another werewolf book or something if it is just give me the title


hey guys sorry for my inactiveness im grounded af. so grounded im actually doing this on the school computer lol. anyways i will update ASAP i love you all. OH i got grounded for getting a C on my report card even though it was threee points from a b and its still a passing grade. i took a test and it brung my grade up to a b so i hope she gives me my phone back. I HAVE DIED THE PAST THREE DAYS. SHE TOOK ALL MY ELECTRONICS. ALL I HAVE IS TELEVISION!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!


love you too Dezzy 