
Hello hello!! So I recently finished my first semester of college and now I have time to update both of my books during winter break. Sorry for being gone for months. Many things have happened and I'm trying to adapt to some changes. Hopefully, new chapters will be out soon!!


Hello hello!! So I recently finished my first semester of college and now I have time to update both of my books during winter break. Sorry for being gone for months. Many things have happened and I'm trying to adapt to some changes. Hopefully, new chapters will be out soon!!


Due to a messy daily schedule, family issues and college right around the corner, I might change the dates I'm gonna update. I didn't have any internet to update BotB yesterday and I'll probably won't today since I already had plans. I'll try to update this weekend. I also have to fix up my work schedule that I'll be getting soon (wish me luck on that) and that's... basically it? I'm super sorry for the messy updates but this is what I can afford for now!!


Puerto Rico made history last night. United as family, as people, as an Island, we put down the leader of corruption. We moved a revolution. Ricardo Rossello resigned from his position as Governor. Sadly, it is not over yet but at least we got rid of the first obstacle. Now that I feel more at ease with everything going on, I will finally continue updating. I'll dedicate my time to bring you, not one, but TWO new chapters as celebration of our accomplishment. I'll try to have both chapters done by next week (hopefully Monday or Tuesday). Stay tuned!


Hi guys! For the few of you that follow me or my stories, I had to let you know why I haven't updated. I live in Puerto Rico and if you've been following the news or Twitter, you may have heard something. Puerto Ricans are embarrassed of their leader (as I am) because of how corrupt and disrespectful to his people he has been. Yesterday, I went out to protest. It was a very scary experience because of the utter chaos that unraveled (I left before I got hurt). I don't know when I will be able to update, but for now I need to keep up with the news. I hope you understand.