hey everyone. i may have something short in the works. the idea came up on a whim, and i thought it was so good that i had to write it. but its gonna be a slow process bcuz my brain and energy arent the same anymore since i graduated high school. so if you're looking forward to it, dont. :)

Mistakes made is a beauty. Every word awoke deep emotions from me. I cried the whole way while reading last chapters. Your writing style is absolutely heart striking. Thanks a lot for this masterpiece

thank you <3 it makes me happy that people still read and enjoy the book even though i wrote it like 6 years ago. i might need to revise it hahah but again im glad u enjoyed it !

Hey! I just finished your Scorbus one shots and honestly they are so incredible! I love them so much and will probably be thinking out it for a really long time! You are a really talented person and I’m honored to have read your work!

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[reads back Now You Know] y'all read this shit??

@iSawJamesFirst i remembered reading that back in 2017 and i am so thankful for that book!!

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well hello folks i managed to get into my account (finally). 2021 was pure shit I could eat a tire. anyway. i see that some of my stories are getting more attention. personally, I think they all need to be revised -- particularly Mistakes Made. after skimming through it, i am now more aware of the sensitive issues that it touches on, and I would like to apologize if the story comes out a bit (too?) insensitive. i really do. of course, I appreciate that some of you enjoyed it, but I also accept constructive criticisms. i might revise Mistakes Made if I have the time. but for now, I'd just like to inform you all that any issues that arose from the story, i have taken them into consideration. i wrote it when i was 17 on a whim, and i understand now that i should have explored the real-life issues further before diving head-first into the narrative. have a good day :) or night (get some sleep seriously).

@L1XK0NAUT oh no im not planning on taking any of my works down, dont worry! im just saying i might edit them if i have the time

because "shît", haha. Wattpad logic. I'm following you, so your stories were probably good. Don't take them down, please! Some authors do that and it ruins any chance of a re-read. I've since started backing up all stories in my device to my computer.

i'll be honest, i've been feeling like utter garbage myself. but im getting better, thank you for asking. anyway HOW ARE YOU

hi! I am half-way through MISTAKES MADE, and I just wanted to say it is one of the best realistic books I have read in while. The characters are human which makes it more interesting too read. Plus, gotta applaud your writing! Thank you for writing this! —Aisha

@weasley20 awhdhsg thank you so much! im glad you enjoyed it :'))) that gave me a smile thank you thank you thank you !! although I do think the story needs revising (i wrote that when I was 17, in the middle of an emotional crisis and still stupid about life)

Hi! Can i translate your book into Hebrew. The book that i want to translate is "Harry Potter and the hunger games." That is Ok?

@SUNDAYwithLOVE sorry, hi! yes, you can, as long as you give me proper credits :)

Hello. I'm Esma. I want to translate your book into Turkish. I want to improve myself as a translator. May I translate your book Turkish language?

I am in awe of your writing. To be honest, this is the first real story on wattpad that has everything going for it. You actually had me reaching for a dictionary to get the meaning of a word which doesn't happen often for me. Your art is also heartwarming. Kudos to you.

@BooksMaverick you are most welcome. I fully understand the pressures of school and extra-curricular activities, it's an herculean task. So, keep up the good work.

@BooksMaverick thank you so so much, this made my day !! i actually wanted to make another spin-off about Abeela, but the plot isnt compelling enough. and im too busy with university to write anything, so the idea kinda just,,goes down the drain :"))

@BooksMaverick i also love your portrayal of Abeela. It's more realistic than other protryals of muslim ladies. We are also battling with out issues. Wish she would get her own story, if it's possible.