When the storm comes, let's play until it clears up, I'm sure it'll be fun if we sing
You're not alone so you'll be able to overcome it; strangely enough, my fear has disappeared
When the storm comes, let's play until it clears up, I really look forward to that too
You're not alone so don't push yourself, it's good to help each other out as we're all excited young DREAMERS

Nobody knows what the future will bring but I bet it will be fun
If we're all together, I'm sure we can overcome it as everything starts now, so let's do our best together
Nobody knows what the future will bring but I really want to make it fun
When we're all together, I start wanting to push myself as I want to keep growing as I'm a young DREAMER
  • Argentina<3
  • RegistriertNovember 23, 2016

Folge ich

Geschichte von Ruby Piggysawa
Aquí va el titulo☆ von iTSJO0KE_bICHTQUEEN
Aquí va el titulo☆
Y aquí la descripción. Nah, hasta aquí la broma. Esto es un libro random, en donde voy a subir cosas random. ...
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