
@Fairy101Tail I'll definitely pm you sometime:)


Guys... I need some prayers. I'm hurting really bad right now. My heart is broken and I've lost my will to write. I really need some support between a break up, bullies, school, and the hospital. Not to mention the stress of writing a book:(


@i_am_just_meh_ Is that really happening to you? I'm so sorry. It sounds really tough. But don't give up, okay? It's sounds really tough, but you can pull through it. You're strong! I can tell, so don't give up easily. If you need anything, you can always come to me, don't worry. I know that we can only chat by computer, so it's not the best way to comfort someone, but I'll do everything I can to be there and be as good a friend as possible! You can PM me whenever you like. Just remember you're not alone, okay ;) .