Hey guys, sorry my updating schedule is out of the window and my update are everywhere and I havens updated my other book for like 2 weeks, so sorry, please be patient with me! I’m having family issues and mental issues to sort through! Sorry for the lack of up dates!! Pls don’t be mad at meh... -sad stuffy :(

@i_is_stuffy I had a similar thing a few months ago. I was working out changing schools for private reasons, and trialing medicine for stuff and switching therapists, and if I had been on Wattpad at the time, I would have taken a break too. I’m glad you are recognizing that you need a break, unlike some people I could mention (*cough* Xisuma *cough*). I hope you write again soon, but pls don’t rush. -Luth Ps. This community is awesome! I love how not only are you explaining why your gone, but how everyone is supporting you for taking a break! :)

@i_is_stuffy hey stuffy, i just want to know where you are. It’s been at nearly three months since you last updated and i just wanted to see if your okay