
hi, my name is Natasha Brown. I am 5 foot 10 inches tall. I am a tomboy and I am of course a beautiful blonde. I am 12 years old in the 6th grade and am a Christian. I think that if you judge me because I am a Christian than to bad for you. I love football and basketball. I am not very good at dribbling a basketball but I can shoot one. I love to go hunting with my dad and older brother. I love the hunger games, and blonds rock!


hi, my name is Natasha Brown. I am 5 foot 10 inches tall. I am a tomboy and I am of course a beautiful blonde. I am 12 years old in the 6th grade and am a Christian. I think that if you judge me because I am a Christian than to bad for you. I love football and basketball. I am not very good at dribbling a basketball but I can shoot one. I love to go hunting with my dad and older brother. I love the hunger games, and blonds rock!