
Making a youtube with wattpad things, the name is the same as my wattpad username


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Hey Guys! Well the ones who actually read these things.... I MADE A NEW TWITTER, after I realized someone was hacking my old on to get on a fucking one direction game... but anyways if you wanna see depressing memes and an ugly face once in a while, then come on down and follow @1_800_MISERY on Twitter!


I have decided to delete Going Crazy, I had no plot for it, don't know what direction it was going in either. I have lost the enjoyment of writing too. Sure, Black Magic has no plot at all but I enjoy making it also my goal was getting it to 65 chapters too, I have finally come up with an ending to it, too, after all, these months too. So just letting you know, before I get too off topic, I'm deleting Going Crazy


@Smolbluegirl Ever since I last updated it


@1-800-MISERY Wait when did that happen..?


So, I've made a decision to not work on Margo-Jane anymore. It will still be up so you guys can read it, but I'll just not make anymore new chapters. My main reason for this is because I have no ideas for the story anymore. I'm sorry guys.


So guys, I've made a decision to delete When Love Fades (A.K.A the sequel to Heartless) because 1.) I'm not into 1D anymore and 2.) I have no more ideas for the story anymore. I'm not a fangirl for Harry Styles' hair anymore. Sorry. I guess I don't like One Direction anymore. Sorry again.


Hey Bobby put me in the story The bandass project. I want to  be a mean girl in the story my name should be Alex. This is angel from school. and add my bpyfriend jacob


@Norakawaiisenpaii he should be  sexy and have braces and brown hair and blue eyes


@Norakawaiisenpaii what should Jacob look like? Lol hi angeleanna


I officially made my decision to delete "Cute But Weird" because I really have no ideas for what's going to happen in the future because none of my stories have a plot line really. So, I'm so sorry for the readers that read this book, it's just that I never have any ideas for "Cute But Weird"