@i_need_the_tea_sis I know this can be hard but I want you to know that your a great brother I can tell that with 100% confidence even though I don't know you personally! I have been through this so I understand when your family is breaking trust me I know how bad it hurts but it's not in your hands the best that you can do is not cry and I know I'll sound crazy when I say this but don't smile in front of your friends or your loved don't cover your emotions just tell them how you feel don't bottle it up and fool the world with that smile and please stay strong and don't cry the moving finger will come back and it will be back to normal maybe the normal will be different but it will help!
Stay strong! *Hugs* The invisible ghost will deliver it in no time XD
I would like to happily announce that I will be having a healthy baby boy and a healthy baby girl. Words can not describe how happy I am. Thank you for all your support. I am forever grateful. ❤❤❤