
Aha hello Ik no one looks at my account (because I don’t post anything) but like I’m starting school soon and I’m trying to not be on this so often do like yeh—


Frick my guy best friend told me to tell my two friends who r girls who I happen to have crushes on about my crush, and I panicked n was like wit the heck and pulled him aside,  he was like just tell them about Nu two guy crushes, yes I have 4 crushes on boys and girls, my friends except my bestie and two other don’t know I’m bi. Anyway they pressed for details and sense they r quiet and wouldn’t go shouting it I told them, and i was walking backward while talking about my guy crush and then they were like “He’s right there” and we ran away. He didn’t hear the crush part so at lunch he asks my friends what the heck happened, and they push me into it. And I’m an improviser extrordianare and so I say that we just said something about him being loud which is true and so he kinda just walks off. Idk if he’s mad but 9 days r left in school and I won’t see him as my much next year so idc. I’ll prob be over it by then.




@CabinetBattlesOhFuck you ju see found a whole new meaning of my username thank you—


i screamed sandwich 