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Hello! It's been a while hasn't it? First: I'm sorry I've been away for so long. Around the time I had stopped writing, I had been going through things that really took my attention away from writing poems and being able to metaphorically write my thoughts. I think I can safely say that my attention to creative writing is now back on track and I'll be adding a bit more pizzaz to my parts as time goes on. Second off I want to say I'm really glad I've been able to reach so many people with my Thoughts story, it's an honor to say that I've been able to bring people together about issues as mental health. I'm glad you've all been enjoying it and I hope to continue it! Thridly, I'm proud to say I'm finally getting back into creative writing. I've been writing stories the entire time I've been away and I hope I haven't been so involved in my own creative writing that I've forgotten about my grammar. So I hope you'll let me know when I've fucked up somewhere in the chapters. Thank you all for the reads, the votes and the comments! Have a good day! New story up soon!