I absolutely love 
Hunger Games
Percy Jackson
Beautiful creatures
Mortal Instruments
Harry Potter
The fault in our stars
And a bunch of other stuff but that's the most important stuff. I am a demigod/shadow hunter/ tribute/ caster/ Witch/ Divergent
As you can probably tell I love to read. Like ALOT. I play softball. I play the VIOLA not a violin! There's a difference. Google it. My favorite color varies by the day. I love animals and babies. I hate one direction. Mostly because one direction fan fics take up half of wattpad. I MEAN SERIOUSLY PEOPLE THERE ARE ENOUGH ONE DIRECTION FAN FICS STOP IT! I am absolutely crazy by the way. Just a side note. And I am definitely a nerd. I fully embrace my nerdiness. There is no denying it. I'm to far in.
"I don't read to escape reality, I read to make a new one." I absolutely love that quote because it's very true. I read a lot mostly because I have ADHD and it's the only thing that focuses my mind and the fact that you can get lost in a different world, somebody elses life. Through books I have lived a thousand lives.
Ok that about sums me up. Enjoy me stories and please follow. You have to do it because I said please. k bye :p
Ok so i made this account about 2 years ago then forgot the password. But recently I remembered this horrid thing existed and died of shame. So the stories on here suck butt and need to burn in hell where they belong, but I'll leave them up because I might revisit them and actually try my hand at writing for real. So if you happen to for some reason like them sorry if I offended you. If i do start to write stories it won't b for a while because i like to pour everything i've got into the things i do to make them as good as i can (which mostly means they suck anyway but at least i try) so hopefully see you soon on some real stories. ~ Jessa
  • Obviously Mars
  • JoinedMarch 3, 2014

1 Reading List