
I don’t mind if no one replies, however, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT! I’m discontinuing the My Little Prince because that’s going no where.. OR I might not we’ll see it’s just boring me at the moment. So, what would you like to see? My main ideas being a Wholesome Fantasy that will eventually make you cry, A detective story (I would LOVE to tell you the plot however that would ruin the slow burn horror), or a Yandere story because I will not be making one of those cringe ones I can assure you, but it will be entertaining I promise you. There’s also a villain Deku but he not really a villain (would explain if this one is chosen to write). Anyways~ if you want to, tell me what you want and I’ll WRITE ✨


@i_write_horror plssss continue 'The Cursed Quirk'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t mind if no one replies, however, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT! I’m discontinuing the My Little Prince because that’s going no where.. OR I might not we’ll see it’s just boring me at the moment. So, what would you like to see? My main ideas being a Wholesome Fantasy that will eventually make you cry, A detective story (I would LOVE to tell you the plot however that would ruin the slow burn horror), or a Yandere story because I will not be making one of those cringe ones I can assure you, but it will be entertaining I promise you. There’s also a villain Deku but he not really a villain (would explain if this one is chosen to write). Anyways~ if you want to, tell me what you want and I’ll WRITE ✨


@i_write_horror plssss continue 'The Cursed Quirk'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First of all I’d like to say hi to all of the lovely people out there! I’ve finally done something with my love for writing that people enjoy and I’m sooo happy!! 
          Okay, so, I’m working on 2 current pieces right now, those being ‘The Cursed Quirk’ and ‘His Little Prince’. Buuuuut, I have like 6 other stories in line waiting to be written and it’s ANNOYING MEEEEEEE. So, I need to know which one I get done first and/or if I should start one of the other stories…
          Should I? If you want me to be working on another piece then please tell me, then I can announce another thing and tell ya’ll the stories just waiting to be written. There’s like a ShinDeku, a TodoDeku, TodoBaku, but those are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head.. BUT the next chapter of The Cursed Quirk is nearly done so I’m happy bout that :D
          Okay this is long enough so just tell me what ya think and I hope you have a lovely day <3