
Sorry about me not posting much lately, I will honestly try to have something updated for you guys around mid September and hopefully, this will suffice. Once again, apologies for my lack of updates


          I have the official date for when The Sherlock Holmes Case (Charlotte Holmes II) comes out so save the date: Saturday, April 12th!
          I am more than excited to post up the first chapter and I can't wait for you people to read it :)


So, I have some good news and some bad news:
          THE GOOD NEWS: Charlotte Holmes II has a couple chapters completed and is ready to be published!
          THE BAD NEWS: it won't be published until late March or early April :(
          I want to focus a bit more on Shadow, I've been neglecting it a bit and I want to try and make sure it goes somewhere. My childhood fanfic right here, it needs some lovin LoL! The sequel won't be posted until ten chapters of Shadow are published, so look alive, you'll have something to read over Spring Break. Thanks for understanding kids, I"ll make sure your wait is worth it :D


FINALLY! First chapter of Immortal World: Shadow is up :) I really do hope you read it, it would mean the world to me. I've finally started writing the story I could never finish and some feedback would be appreciated if you might :P SO SORRY! I'm just excited to see how my story all goes w/ you. 
          BTW: All you Charlotte Holmes fans out there, sequel will be out ASAP ;)