working on the next chapter sorry i left you guys hangin with the cliffy i just thought it would be better that way anyways. . . i will be uploading very soon, until then. . . au revoir
Hey guys, finals are over and summer school doesnt start until the 20th for me so here's two new chapters for you guys, i hope you like them. I know there really short but the next ones will be longer.
I juat want to thank you all for fanning me, I really appreciate you all and I hope o have chapter 12 up soon. I have a lot of stuff due this weeke because next week is finals so downloads might be slow for two weeks but as soon as school is over I will be uploading much more often. Luv ya!!!! tootles
Hey guys, I'm collaborating on story with MissKillJoy7 and I hope you all check it out. It is way different then the story I am currently writing.