
          	(wow wattpad has gotten even worse since I left )


Yeah... a LOT has changed. 


tfw all u wanted to do was write gooshy lesbian smut but then for some reason u decided to make it a/b/o and then u had to worldbuild the a/b/o bc u couldn’t tolerate the noncon inherent in most a/b/o and then u started a second a/b/o fic with the same background and now ur sucked into a hole and u kinda wanna die bc all u wanted was to write fluffy sloppy femslash bUT NOPE
          on the bright side, Sakura now likes to trace circles on Konan’s leg bc she’s not very creative and also likes the idea of the Haruno circle on her gf <3 <3 <3 I love these hypercompetent girlfriends


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Wanna know what really grinds my fuckin gears lately? The most recent HIVE of bees in my bonnet? 
          When you read a Sakura/Akatsuki fic blah blah and tHEY DONT INCLUDE KONAN AS A LEGIT COMPETITOR. THERES NO SAKURA/KONAN and it makes me sO PISSED. 
          Like. I’m at least 57% sure I’m straight and I would BEG Konan to fuck me, okay. KONAN AND SAKURA DESERVE BETTER THAN CANON SO LET THEM BE HAPPY TOGETHER  P L E A S E
          Anyway that’s the story of how I just (today) started a Sakura/Akatsuki fic with a bias for Konan~


Preview of ANOTHER new fic I’m starting, a Harry Potter Star Wars xover starring our favorite Chosen Ones, the screaming dumpster fire of a human disaster and the long suffering boy who lived to deserve better. 
          It’s titled “The After-Life” !!! I am having fun with this (instead of writing my final paper due tomorrow night). If you actually want to read it, hmu I’ll be so down for posting this! 
          (I came up with the idea 2 weeks ago and just came back to it) (first time I’ve actually titled a fic in ages; since I never post, I have no need for them) (I hate myself btw):
          / In The Afterlife
          “Technically we could stay,” Harry said. “But that would unbalance The Afterlife and the Living Worlds, and send the entirety of all the multiverses speeding rapidly towards entropic death.” 
          “We deserve rest and They brought this on Themselves,” Anakin said, folding his arms again. 
          “On the other hand, They would be very cross with us,” Harry said. 
          The two Chosen Ones stood in silence for a bit, gazing at the light. 
          “So,” Anakin said. “Reincarnation. How does that work?” 


Souta’s Noble Phantasm is literally just a friendship bracelet that his kids (team 7) made for him and every time he sees it his heart tries to burst with joy and “raises his fighting spirit”. It’s called Lucky Bracelet, E-ranked, and doesn’t actually have anything to do with Luck. 
          I love this guy. 
          (His item construction skill is A++ he doesn’t need a phantasmal weapon. His main weapon is his illusions. This way though, he can make as many kunai as he wants, and they’ll stand up to most of his opponent’s phantasmal weapons—because all their NPs are their weapons. This makes Souta a Very Weird Heroic Spirit, PLUS he has literally no goal/regret/wish for the grail to fulfill, AND combined with the fact that he can genjutsu himself and his master into doing whatever he wants so command seals have no effect on him. (He’s like Voldemort in that one fic where he just imperiuses himself into doing what he wants so no one else can imperius him.))


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This is all because I decided it would be a good idea to write up a status page of all my current/fav WIPs (I have too many to list all the current ones so I stuck with favs) and I was setting up my Suzuki Souta series (seriously—I started today with 5 individual stories for this guy!!! He needs a whole two pages just to list names & summaries of the fics he stars in) and I wrote “Narutoverse” and it kept bugging me, I kept thinking “this should be Nasuverse!” and then I realized wHY NOT HAVE BOTH 
          and that’s how I started writing a FSN/Suzuki Souta fanfic.
          (I already have an OP MoD!Harry Potter in a FSN fic tho) (so I gave Souta good physical/magical stats and balanced them out with a SHIT noble phantasm and C-rank luck) (HA jokes on them he doesn’t NEED luck he’s just THAT GOOD)
          Also I finally listed Souta’s height because I made him about 4 inches taller than a 16 y/o Sasuke, then had to look up Sasu’s height & concert to cm etc etc etc BUT! I’ve always pictures Souta as an average/slightly below avg height guy. TURNS OUT he’s actually 5’10”, or ~178cm. 
          I’ve decided that’s ok because he’s surrounded by people 6’ or 180cm tall. Dude can’t catch a break, he only barely managed to catch a late growth spurt as it is. 
          I love Souta, can you tell I love Souta? He’s my baby.