
Looks like I have to take a short writing break. Things at work have been getting more and more hectic. But fret not, kind readers! This writer will return, maybe in a week or so!


ok your cupid book is SOOO UNDERRATED! I literally read all the chapters that are up in one day bc it’s that good. You also have really good graphic design/cover skills, so idk why it doesn’t have more reads. I hope you look into some contests or something, bc like I said, your book has a lot of potential! 


Delayed in sending this... Whoops? XD 
          Hello!  DreamlandCommunity here ❤ As you figured out, your book Miss Cupid for Hire was one of the books we featured in one of our Dreamland Raid updates!  We just wanted to stop by and say we hope you enjoyed being featured, and that if you ever want a similar experience, feel free to join one of our clubs, or even join our discord so you can meet some who did the Raid or make new friends :) 
          Linked below is a book that explains who we are, as well as the link to the aforementioned discord! 
          We wish you all the luck in your writing journey, and remember...
          Never stop dreaming!
          - The Dreamland Team