
@akkelynnx oh deze: Me: Thanks for- Louis: For being so fabuLOUIS and fanning! Harry: I think you mean extraordinHARRY Liam: Um, no. You obviously mean brilLIAM Zayn: You sit on a throne of lies. Obviously she is amaZAYN. Niall: I'm hungry! Oh! We're on... Nope. She is totally phenomiNIALL. Me: *groan.* Well feel free to PM me or anything! (: Louis: Or me! Harry: Or me! Liam: Or meeeeeeeee! Zayn: I know you want to talk to me! ;) Niall: You can talk to me if you have food. Me: Ugh. Well thanks againxx.


@akkelynnx oh deze: Me: Thanks for- Louis: For being so fabuLOUIS and fanning! Harry: I think you mean extraordinHARRY Liam: Um, no. You obviously mean brilLIAM Zayn: You sit on a throne of lies. Obviously she is amaZAYN. Niall: I'm hungry! Oh! We're on... Nope. She is totally phenomiNIALL. Me: *groan.* Well feel free to PM me or anything! (: Louis: Or me! Harry: Or me! Liam: Or meeeeeeeee! Zayn: I know you want to talk to me! ;) Niall: You can talk to me if you have food. Me: Ugh. Well thanks againxx.