SNEAK PEAK AT A NEW THING I'M WRITING!!! Anabelle had only woken up about 30 minutes ago, maybe less. For once, she had woken up of her own accord, without Reyna hounding her out of bed and to her feet. However, the harsh commanding, scolding, and disciplining were inescapable and not far to follow. She had only enough time to make up her large bed with its florally-patterned silk sheets and brush out her long raven hair before Reyna let herself into Anabelle's room with absolutely no warning other than the sound of her ever-storming footsteps echoing through the halls as they approached Anabelle's bedroom bearing the demanding orders of Anabelle's mother. That's right, I'm writing an ORIGINAL BOOK! I'm starting with a "teaser" chapter just to see if you guys like it, and if you do, I'll continue with it. I can't wait to see what you guys think!

I'll say right now that I'll probably change "demanding orders" because it's like two of the same thing, and kinda unnecessary.