
I have decided to unpublish "All to Myself." I realized I had been going back and changing parts so often that I'm not ready to publish chapters as soon as I finish. This story needs a lot of reflection and revision for me to be completely happy with it. I'm not sure how long it will take for me to republish this story but I'm aiming for the end of the month, along with an additional chapter to find out what happened after the party. Sorry for leaving you hanging but I hope my much-needed editing makes up for it!


I have decided to unpublish "All to Myself." I realized I had been going back and changing parts so often that I'm not ready to publish chapters as soon as I finish. This story needs a lot of reflection and revision for me to be completely happy with it. I'm not sure how long it will take for me to republish this story but I'm aiming for the end of the month, along with an additional chapter to find out what happened after the party. Sorry for leaving you hanging but I hope my much-needed editing makes up for it!


Hello Lauren~~Saw your greeting and comments in the TeenFic thread.  I know you're pretty new to the WP universe so welcome! TeenFic as a category awesome to write. But beware,  there are some tricks to it getting those readers (95% teen girls) to keep coming back for updates. I'll let you discover this yourself but if you need any pointers just ask. I write now across most the WP genres, but truly enjoy the YA readers and sensibilities (your own, no doubt). 
          The best tutorial (if you are open to it) are my two works always gaining popularity in this category--one older and one new and currently being added to:
          "A Walk in the Countryside" [Watch out . . . a bit erotic here]
          "That Sultry Summer" [A great summer read--pertinent to girls considering what Adelyn has set as her summer's goal]
          Enjoy--And feel free to message me anytime.


Thanks I'll be sure to check those out!