
hello! i just finished organizing "day note in that blue app" and i must admit that i like most of my pieces there! like "how was i able to come up with that? " "i wrote that?" haha anyway,  i will try to update it more when i can :)


hello! i just finished organizing "day note in that blue app" and i must admit that i like most of my pieces there! like "how was i able to come up with that? " "i wrote that?" haha anyway,  i will try to update it more when i can :)


i am back! maybe just for today, or maybe i'll be consistent. anyway, i can't remember that i deleted my first post here but looks like i did.  i think i wrote it when i was halfway writing my first published poems in early 2021?, announcing how happy i was to go out of my comfort zone for finally putting my work out in public.....and how many pages i intend with it....and thanking a person (who's also a writer! <3) for reading and commenting on my pieces... good times haha oh well!  i hope to follow through. not just with the writings but also in aesthetically pleasing book covers, headers, and icon! 
          if anyone else reads this and my works, thank you! i'm open to discussions (and constructive criticisms -  but please note that i write with the purpose of releasing my feelings. sharing it to the world is secondary) via chat here or email!  :)
          all the love,