
Hey guys. I don't blame you if you hate me. Seriously, I know being away without explanation for an entire year is not very nice of me and so for that, I apologize. However, I just updated Maia Atkin with a short little filler and I know it's not nearly anything you guys deserve seeing as I've deprived you of the rest of the story for so long, but all in due time, loves. If you stuck by me this long, I sincerely thank you. Keep reading. Stay beautiful xx


Hey guys. I don't blame you if you hate me. Seriously, I know being away without explanation for an entire year is not very nice of me and so for that, I apologize. However, I just updated Maia Atkin with a short little filler and I know it's not nearly anything you guys deserve seeing as I've deprived you of the rest of the story for so long, but all in due time, loves. If you stuck by me this long, I sincerely thank you. Keep reading. Stay beautiful xx


It seems like you love One Direction and Harry Potter???? I do to.... Hahahaha and yeah I just wanted to say I love you book Maia Atkin and I'm going to read your other books too. please update soon xx


@KenzieBoo1313 you are too sweet! I'm working on another chapter though I don't know when it'll be up... I'm sorry darlin. Please keep reading and stay beautiful, okay? xx


Guys, I just updated Maia Atkin but I'm not sure if it's working or not because Wattpad's saying it's on private or something and I dunno how that works... If someone could help me out that would be great! xx


So despite the fact that you've all probably given up on me, I am pleased to inform you that another chapter is on the way :D Keep your eyes on the lookout, lovelies ;) Hope you still have faith in me... Keep reading! Stay beautiful xx


@puppylover1237 Haha indeed I am very much alive, kiddo ;) You are legitimately the most adorable human I have ever encountered <3 I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! I'm doing all right, thank you for asking :) I start school in the beginning of September and I'm a bit nerve-wracked, to be honest, but I'll manage... It was great to hear from you, cutie pie! Hope you're doing okay, as well. Keep reading! Stay beautiful xx


You're alive! Oh my goodness and you updated!! This is the best day ever! :D I will never give up on you as long as you write, I'll be in my eighties still reading your stories haha....That was a magnificent chapter! How are you? How's school going?? I hope everything's okay.


Hello, my lovelies. Now, before you murder me, I apologize for not having updated in months and I am so so so sorry. Unfortunately, I have not had much inspiration lately and school is driving me insane. I think this message is long overdue, and I am extremely sorry for having to announce that I'm putting both my stories on hold until I can figure out what I want to do with them. My utmost apologies, angels, and I'm sorry if you thought this was an update report. I don't want to bring your hopes up by promising I'll update soon, but hopefully this summer I'll be able to get some things done. 
          I love you all and your support means more than you'll ever know.
          Stay beautiful. xx


Hi I hope I got the right user but I saw ur name in one of my stories I was reading and I read that ur recovering from ya I'm not gonna say but I'm recovering to I've thought and done some things that may have ended my life but I was saved I'm not happy about that but someone saved me so ya but tell me if I got the right user plz thanks so much even if I didn't I would still like to be one of ur friends ; )


Hey, love! I'm not quite sure you have the right user, but you are more than welcome to talk to me anytime you please, you hear me, beautiful? You are worth so much more than you think and it would be my pleasure and an honor to be your friend <3 Keep your head up, okay, sweetheart? Things work out in the end. Stay beautiful xx


Hey hun! I miss you so much! It's been ages and I hope you're not too stressed from your school or anything! Hope you'll be back to writing soon - missing you lots and inbox me whenever you need a chat or if you're feeling down x x x


Ohmygoodness I just saw this! Thankyou so much babe! I means more than you can imagine... I love you! Stay beautiful xx